Beauty & Trends

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  1. 1
    Pennello Maschera B&T Professional Art.6074
    Beauty & Trends
    Pennello dalle setole fitte, lunghe e di media rigidità
    You Save:
    €3.00 (30%)
  2. 2
    Lady Nails B&T French and glitter Art.6039
    Beauty & Trends
    Fingernail fingernail with french and glitter
    You Save:
    €1.60 (20%)
  3. 3
    Spugnetta Tonda B&T Professional Art.6001
    Beauty & Trends
    Spugnetta a disco, adatta per fondotinta fluidi, in crema, compatti ed in polvere
    You Save:
    €1.20 (29%)
  4. 4
    Ciglia Rebecka Art.5017
    Beauty & Trends
    Ciglia Finte aderenti, naturali, morbide e leggere
    You Save:
    €4.00 (31%)
  5. 5
    Pennello Spugna Fondotinta "Punta Inclinata" B&T Professional Art.6094
    Beauty & Trends
    Pennello dalla punta grande ed inclinata per tamponare il fondotinta
    You Save:
    €2.00 (22%)
  6. 6
    Lima Soft B&T 100/180
    Beauty & Trends
    Nail file
    You Save:
    €1.50 (30%)